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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

How I am Today

When I looked back on my past, I always wondering why did I looked prettier at that time? With thinner cheeks, slimmer belly and arms, smaller thighs, no double chin, I look almost as perfect as the body goals that I have dreamed for.  Ironically, I didn't even realize how better my body was until I look at how I am today. Now I want my thin body back, I want my doulbe chin goes away, but I need to put extra effort to make it comes true.  I used to think I was less beautiful, I grew up with insecurity inside. I should to be more grateful, shouldn't I?  But now, I wanna be more content. I wanna feel more grateful. I choose to accept how I am today without regreting my past, and yet still take care of my body that I have.  And because I don't want to regret my present in the future, I choose to throw away my insecurity and look at my self with full of love.  We can be better without blaming our deficiencies. 

Nobody's Perfect

" If someone can fall asleep without making sure you got home safely or not, it means he doesn't love you", someone said via a  tweet  passing by on timeline. I just read the tweet a few days before I was on my way home from out of town with a distance of more than six hours. Before I always thought,  I have a boyfriend who always takes care of me,  so I don't have to be afraid to travel alone by public transport where I don't know anyone in it. "He's going to accompany me," I thought with all of my confidence. But what happened that night changed my perspective about him. About him that I think really cares. "Babe, I'm going to sleeping okay, be careful, let me know tomorrow if you've arrived", he said ending the conversation session on W hatsapp . Honestly, it's not the first time I've traveled alone out of town. I'm not afraid, of course. I've been used to being an independent woman for a long time bec

Why do I Think He is The One?

Kamu tau, apa yang membuatku merasa dia orang yang tepat untukku? Karena hanya dengan dialah aku merasa dianggap. Dia selalu melibatkan aku dalam setiap keputusan yang diambilnya. Dia selalu ingin berdiskusi denganku tentang semua hal. Mungkin terdengar sepele, tapi bagiku hal-hal kecil seperti itu lah yang membuatku merasa dihargai, dibutuhkan. Membuatku merasa ada. Perasaan itu tidak pernah aku rasakan bersama orang sebelum dia. Dia menghubungiku setiap hari hanya untuk bicara hal-hal yang tidak penting, tapi lucunya aku menikmati itu. Dia membuat hari-hariku menjadi lebih menyenangkan dengan segala tingkah konyolnya. Dan aku ingin terus merasakan itu. Bersamanya.  Tapi tentu manusia nggak ada yang sempurna.  Dia juga kadang melukaiku, entah disadari atau tidak. Aku juga mungkin pernah menyakitinya, entah aku sadari atau tidak.  Tapi selagi kita bisa berkompromi, apa yang perlu dikhawatirkan? Dimana kita bisa menemukan orang yang sempurna, kalau bukan kita sendiri yang membuatnya t